Episode 2: What's Next for Healthcare Conversational AI?


During this episode, Orbita CEO Bill Rogers is joined by Kristi Ebong to discuss the future of conversational AI in healthcare.

Automation with Empathy

Conversations with Orbita is a podcast sharing insights and innovations revolutionizing healthcare and life sciences with HIPAA-secure chat and voice-powered experiences empowered by conversational AI.

Introducing this episode's
guest, Bill Rogers

Bill Rogers

Bill has over 25 years of software industry experience. Most recently, Bill was CEO & founder of Ektron – a digital experience management platform acquired by Accel-KKR in 2014. Prior to Ektron, he co-founded two other companies including a video conferencing and an eHealthcare business. Bill is passionate about delivering accessible solutions to healthcare and life sciences organizations that revolutionize how patients receive discover, navigate, and receive care. 

Kristi has nearly 15 years of experience in health tech. Prior to Orbita, she was Head of Emerging Technology at Cedars-Sinai and served under the Obama Administration in the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. Kristi's professional roots include time spent at Epic Systems, large healthcare providers, startups, and foundations

Introducing this episode's
guest, Kristi Ebong

Kristi Ebong

"What conversational AI does is engages users with natural language, something that we all grew up with and know how to interact with, whether that is across the telephone or across a chatbot, which is tireless." -Rogers

"So now, with the advent of conversational AI, we're actually able to provide value to the patient and offload administrative burden from the clinician to let them focus on cases and instances that need their attention most." -Ebong

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Episode 2: What's Next for Healthcare Conversational AI?


During this episode, Kristi and Bill provide their respective predictions about conversational AI applications, adoption attitudes, and technology advancements in 2021 and beyond.

So far, the automation of clinical workflows has tremendously reduced healthcare provider burden and transformed the patient journey of discovering, navigating and receiving care. Symptom screeners and triage tools, nudges, and virtual care navigators have been helping to support patients since before 2020 – and have continually proven themselves to be absolutely essential throughout this pandemic. 

As you listen to this podcast episode, you'll gain insights on the following and more:

  • How the pandemic has accelerated tech adoption
  • Where conversational AI will continue to grow
  • What differentiates those healthcare organizations that have implemented digital transformation strategies from those that have not

Remote patient monitoring, virtual appointments, and digital communication methods have been able to help maintain patient and provider connections through the recent pandemic-driven period of physical separation, but are they here to stay? 

Rogers and Ebong discuss how these digital solutions for healthcare and life sciences organizations can continue to improve the patient experience and reduce burdens.

From wearable devices to 5G technology, 2021 delivers an even greater opportunity to revolutionize healthcare with more automation, and most importantly – even more empathy. 

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