Insights Into Automating Care Navigation Workflows

Improving Orthopedic Surgery Throughput, Staff Productivity and Patient Outcomes

A recently published white paper delves into practical applications of digital tools and automation for orthopedic surgery practices. Industry experts and program leaders examine points along the care journey where new technologies and tools have greatest impact.

  • Increasing productivity and staff satisfaction by minimizing manual, routine tasks
  • Equipping patients with self-service tools to improve procedure readiness – reducing delays, cancelations, ED visits and LOS
  • Leveraging analytics to better monitor patient volume and throughput to improve performance and outcomes
5 practices relay their experiences in this in-depth resource. Each highlights specific points along the care journey where automation and digital tools have delivered measurable results.
Insights first page screenshot

Download the white paper to review their findings and to learn
best practices that can be leveraged in your organization. 

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